Monday, September 10, 2012

Here it begins

I guess I should begin with explaining how we want our blog to work. Taylor and I (Stephany) have known each other since high school. When we think of the best time of our life, it goes back to the summer of 2009 when we were surrounded by the best friends we have ever known. That summer was filled with so much laughter, pictures, memories, and happiness. All things that money can't buy and time can't erase. But when fall came, it was like our lives turned completely around. I was separated from the best people I have ever known and I went down a path I though I was ready for. I thought it was what would make me happy. But I can say from first-hand experience, placing your happiness in the hands of another person is setting yourself up for failure. You must take responsibility of your own happiness. This is your life and God gave it to you because you are strong enough to live it. No, it won't be easy. No, you won't always be smiling. But you are never alone. I do not regret my past or anyone in it. Every single second taught me something and I am grateful for all that I have experienced so far. But now I am in the position that I must take control of my life on my own. I was kind of shoved into this position, and I did honestly fight it at first, but I feel I am now strong enough to live how I want. I want to go back to the person I was in that wonderful summer of '09. Where I was in awe of everything around me and everyone I was blessed to share my time with. Thankfully, Taylor will be accompanying on this journey to keep me focused on that goal.

We will both be posting to this blog separately so readers will be able to see our different perspectives and how our experiences affect us. We are alike in many ways, but we are also each our own person and we want anyone reading this to understand that it doesn't take one specific kind of person to live a life like this. We want anyone and everyone to understand that if you want something badly enough, there is always a way to get it. You have to reach down deep and find the strength the chase it. You have to believe in yourself when no one else will. You have to be your own hero sometimes. Taylor and I have found our strength to fight for a life worth living and we pray that we may inspire others to do the same. For anyone who sat and wondered, "How do I do this? Where do I start?" we hope to give you some answers.

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